86 West
Founded by Mike G. & Chris C., 86 West is a gender fluid fragrance company that diverges from the stereotypical masculine and feminine perception within the industry. The two met in Nebraska, which serves as a big influence for the brand's humble beginnings: it speaks to who they are, where they are "from", and how the term Midwest was coined in 1886 - hence, the name 86 West. The black male owned organization strongly believes in inclusion, with unisex products aimed at re-educating or changing the indoctrinated mindset associated with fragrances.
- Finity AF Eau de Parfum$ 80.00
- Arbane26 Eau de Parfum$ 80.00
- In10sive Lust Eau de Parfum$ 125.00
- Noctive Heat Eau de Parfum$ 125.00