What We're Doing, with Jazzlynne Phillips
by Store Admin
Get to know the LIKELIHOOD team in our latest blog series, What We're Doing.
For this week's employee feature, we sat down with Jazzlynne "Jazzy" Phillips, an incredibly talented photographer and graphic designer that works with creative team here at LIKELIHOOD. Jazzy loves horror and crime films, is obsessed with truffles, and can recite the entire Bad Girls Club theme song from start to finish. Take a deeper dive into Jazzy's life in the interview below.
Introduce yourself to the World Wide Web, Jazzy!
Soooo, my name is Jazzlynne Phillips! I’m a photographer, graphic designer, and content creator for LIKELIHOOD, as well as a stylist and photographer in my free time. I also work at Redlight Vintage on University Ave as an ASM/Lead Buyer which helps suppress my shopping addiction. I don't want to call myself everybody’s favorite, it seems weird, but like…. I am.
Besides photography, I also love fashion. I especially love anything from the ‘90s to 2000’s. The more obscure and the tackier, the better. I also have a baby tee collection which I’m very proud of.
Where were you born and raised?
I was born in Seattle, raised by a single mother who is absolutely amazing and so cool. She rocks Jordan’s and is tattooed head to toe. I always have to bring her up when talking about myself because I feel like she played a heavy hand in what allowed me to become so creative because she has done everything, from working at a chemical company to being a cook. Whatever creative pursuits she has, she follows, so she’s never had an issue with supporting me in my endeavors.
What movies, musicians/artists, and books are you into these days?
I love horror, crime, mystery, etc. I watch Criminal Minds every night and I’m currently diving back into Bad Girls Club, which I consider a crime show as well. I can literally recite the show's entire theme song at this point. If I could recommend two great horror movies to y’all, it would be Creep 1 & 2, and The Fly featuring young Goldbloom. As far as books go, I’m a big fan of Hunter S. Thompson's Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas. I am currently reading this book called Blonde, which is about this killer lawyer who’s really hot. As for music, I'm always listening to terribly produced rap music like BBYGOYARD, sometimes Larry June, sometimes reggae, and sometimes ‘80s pop and R&B like Lisa Lisa.
What is Chef Jazzy cooking up in the kitchen?
I love to cook! My mom is a professional chef, so I think that’s the reason why. I mostly cook random vegetables that I toss in the oven. I’m also on a really interesting tiramisu kick, gotta cut back on that soon (lol). I also love truffle anything; I’ll put truffle on literally anything and everything, specifically the Truffle Hot Sauce which I put on black bean burgers. It’s amazing, but like I said, I go through food phases. I will eat the same thing every day for like a week straight, including crab at least once a week if possible.
What are you saving up for?
Right now, I’m currently saving up for these Telfar UGGs. I really want to get them and they’re not super expensive, so I could pull the trigger at any second. I also really want to travel to Africa someday, but also Hawaii since I’ve never been there and it’s been at the top of my list for obvious reasons.
Last question: What's your outfit of choice?
Currently, I only wear Platform Crocs literally every single day. They’re so, so comfortable. I'm also unfortunately a big jeans, little shirt girl. I also love dresses and sneakers. It's my go-to, easy-cute-casual outfit. As a tall woman, it’s especially hard to find shoes that fit, so ruining a cute outfit with a pair of chunky men’s sneakers is music to my ears.
Follow Jazzy on Instagram @jazzyfmaybe